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Our Story

How We Started

On a cool October day in 2016, our family found a young black kitten amongst a feral cat colony. At that time another cat in the house (which was only one) was out of the question, but looking at how innocent this little animal was, there was no way that we could put him back on the street to face the cold winter to come. In this moment we realized how important rescue was to us - to never want to see a kitten or adult cat homeless or abandoned. In the spring of 2017 we slowly began trapping, vetting and finding homes on our own, out of our own pockets. As this became a lifestyle, February of 2018 we officially became a 501c3 non-profit, Feral to Family.

With a love for rescue, comes many expenses. Between food, litter & vet bills, maintaining the health of dozens and dozens of animals becomes extremely costly. As 2019 resuce costs were higher than ever, with over 90 cats in our rescue, we needed to find an alternate means for financing our rescue - while not decreasing the number of cats and kittens we could save. 
Catpurrccinos was created with the intention of serving multiple purposes:

  • Support the financial aspects of rescue/contribute to the cat community
  • Aid as an additional adoption center, where cats and kittens in need of homes can gain exposure
  • Bringing our passion of food with our passion of rescue together under one roof